ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies
Building on a rapidly growing global consensus, in 2018 the International Society for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ISNTD) started a worldwide dengue awareness campaign, which included calling on the UN and WHO to designate a World Dengue Day.
Its petition for a World Dengue Day (https://www.change.org/p/world-health-organization-make-world-dengue-day-a-reality) has to date garnered over 26,500 signatures, endorsed by a growing and global collective of patients, policy makers, researchers, professionals and advocates from over 110 countries, who share the clear goal of reducing the burden of dengue around the world.
In addition, ISNTD also convened an international and multi-sectoral Dengue Advisory Group, comprised of partners from Ministries of Health, research and academia, NGOs and civic society, to guide this campaign.
Such a move is not without precedent. On 15 June 2011, ASEAN Health Ministers first declared that day — and each subsequent 15 June — ASEAN Dengue Day. This important annual event allows ASEAN members, in coordination with WHO, to consolidate dengue prevention and control measures.
The World Dengue Day campaign is aiming to achieve the same – on an international scale given the rapidly growing global threat of dengue.
Growing population densities, unplanned urban development, poor water storage and unsatisfactory sanitary conditions are all common factors that contribute to the worsening burden of this mosquito-borne disease – not just for ASEAN, but for many countries around the world.
The disease has significant impact on the socio-economic status of every country. Tackling dengue is everyone’s concern.
Hence, in commemoration of ASEAN Dengue Day 2021, and the first World Dengue Day, ISNTD and ADVA are jointly organising ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies, held online from 13 to 15 June 2021.
Through public webinars and virtual exhibitions, ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies aims to grow the international dengue prevention community, whose members include vector control, disease surveillance, patient advocacy groups, healthcare providers, NGOs, public-health services, and providers of safe water, sanitation and hygiene.
ISNTD-ADVA World Dengue Day Forum – Cross Sector Synergies marks a day that all governments, civil societies, public and private sectors, schools, universities and citizens, can devote to dengue awareness-raising actions.
Additionally, the Forum will give countries around the world a platform to share their strategies for increasing public awareness of dengue, mobilize resources for its prevention and control, and demonstrate their commitment to tackling dengue.
Along with this backsliding in immunization coverage, we have also witnessed the spread of infectious diseases in new geographies as a result of global warming and climate change. A concerted regional and global multi-sectoral response is required to overcome these challenges. While we mourn these alarming developments, we also celebrate the power of science and multi-stakeholder collaboration in the unprecedented development of vaccines to mitigate the public health impact of the pandemic.
We envision the summit as a regional forum to discuss the latest evidence on what works and what doesn’t to increase vaccine uptake, particularly among zero-dose children, adolescents and older adults. It will be a platform for participants to share best practices, and innovative solutions to improving vaccine coverage, drawing from contextualised approaches that have been successful in the region or similar contexts. We will also focus on addressing the challenges of vaccine equity, including ensuring access to vaccines for underserved populations. The need for people-centred and tailored strategies to build trust in vaccines and immunization, counter misinformation and increase vaccine uptake particularly among vulnerable communities will be highlighted. The summit will conclude with a session on the development of new vaccines and other interventions for emerging diseases. We strongly believe that the future can benefit from scientific advances and innovations showcased during the pandemic. We will attempt to gaze at the crystal ball and contemplate what may be in the pipeline for future vaccines to mitigate the impact of future outbreaks and pandemics.
With this array of topics, the conference aims to engage a wide spectrum of participants including researchers, policy makers, the media, industry, the general public, patient/consumer groups and civil society. We hope that the summit will reinforce the benefits and value of immunization in saving lives across the life-course, among the people and communities in the region.
We will be delighted if you join us for this important and impactful event, which will take place on 31st October – 1st November, 2023 in Singapore. Together, we can work towards a future where everyone has access to safe and effective vaccines.
Tikki Pang and Heidi Larson,
Asia Pacific Immunization Coalition (APIC)
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